Substance Abuse and Pharmacy Education Committee

AACP Article

The special committee on Substance Abuse and Pharmacy Education convened in 2010–2011 and was charged to examine and recommend how pharmacy colleges should prepare all student pharmacists to appropriately assist those who are addicted or affected by others' addiction, and help support addiction recovery with an emphasis on public safety. The Committee was directed to include recommendations on core curricular content and delivery, both for student pharmacists and continuing education for pharmacists, and on prevention and assistance processes within our colleges. Please see their report for more information.

Guidelines for the Development of Addiction and Related Disorders Policies for Schools and Colleges of Pharmacy

Curricular Guidelines for Pharmacy - Substance Abuse and Addictive Disease

These guidelines will be revisited by a special task force of the Substance Use Disorder Special Interest Group during the 2019–2020 academic year.  Updated guidelines should be available by June 2020.