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AACP Connect is a platform that allows users to network, collaborate, share, and much more using the Community discussion boards and libraries. Keep informed and stay in tuned to what is happening with your peers by logging in and joining Communities. Each Council, Section, and Special Interest Group has their own Community. There are various specialized Communities as well accessible to all AACP members.
Benefits and Requirements
Communities provide an informal and flexible way for members with like-minded interests to discuss current issues facing the profession.
- Membership
- With the exception of Section and SIG Communities members can join an unlimited number of Communities that are open to all AACP members. Invite only Communities will only be available to members specifically invited to that Community by the Community leader.
- Creation
- AACP members have the ability to request the creation of a Community by completing the creation request form. An internal staff workgroup reviews the applications and will approve, reject, or defer the application.
- Continuance
- If a Community drops below 5 discussion posts per month on average and has less than 30 members the Community may be discontinued after the review of an internal group of AACP staff members. Communities are reviewed every 12 months.
- Funding
- None
- Sponsor Annual Meeting Programs
- No, but members have the ability to use the discussion board to propose collaboration efforts to submit programming for the annual meeting.
- Elected Officers
- Select conveners using their own process.
- Subgroups
- None
- Council/Cabinet Representation
- None
- Standing Rules of Procedure
- None. Follows the Community guidelines.
Create a Community
Are you interested in starting your own AACP Connect Community? View the AACP Connect Community Guidelines first. Then complete and submit the Connect Community Request form and AACP staff will contact you with more details.
View a full list of all the AACP Connect Communities.
AACP Connect Training
Are you interested in learning more about AACP Connect and all the things it can do? Sign up for a one-on-one or small team (up to six people) training session with Candelaria M. Moralez, the AACP Connect administrator.