Academic Pharmacy Now

Academic Pharmacy Now logo - The news magazine of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy

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An AACP Interim Meeting keynote speaker opens up about how her life experiences inspired her to become a passionate advocate for trauma-informed leadership.
How does personality play a role in communication in the pharmacy sphere? Extroverts are good at initiating conversation, but introverts tend to be empathetic, which leads to…
A first-generation student pharmacist at the University of Colorado Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences helped create a high school outreach program for…
An NIH grant is supporting a project to measure the feasibility of implementing strategies such as pharmacogenetic testing in the emergency room.
A comprehensive oral history initiative highlighting the careers of pharmacist leaders in the U.S. Public Health Service underscores their valuable contributions to the…
A productive annual meeting in Boston featured a wide range of programming, including discussions about climate change and readying the clinical research workforce.
As the 2024 NAM Pharmacy Fellow, Dr. Jennifer Bacci relishes the opportunity to tout the benefits that community pharmacies offer.
A student-led diversity event at the University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Pharmacy focused on the need for compassionate, equitable patient care.
New opportunities await future pharmacists as schools build a playbook for sports pharmacy in the curriculum.
What do pharmacy closures mean for public health, and how can schools help the profession build back?
Two University of Florida College of Pharmacy faculty members finally convinced the FDA that a widely used nasal decongestant does not work.
AACP’s debut Artificial Intelligence Institute drew a big audience looking for answers about the rapid changes that AI is bringing to the digital environment and what that means…
Student pharmacists benefit from a curriculum that integrates components of geriatrics education and highlights the need for interprofessional collaboration when working with…
AACP’s Mock Trial Competition provides an opportunity for student pharmacists to enhance advocacy skills as they collaborate to address healthcare challenges.
A $19 million grant may help University of Florida Health researchers uncover a treatment for stimulant use disorder.
How are pharmacy schools taking lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic and applying them to research to identify and combat emerging pandemics?
The University of South Florida’s Taneja College of Pharmacy is using hologram technology to transform learning.
Some pharmacy schools are cultivating a competitive spirit among students as part of their efforts to boost business acumen.
Researchers at Texas A&M University’s Irma Lerma Rangel School of Pharmacy received a $2.8 million NIH grant to use 3D printers for pediatric medications.
The latest National Pharmacist Workforce Study examined the pandemic’s impact on pharmacy and how the industry can move forward.
One University of Georgia professor looks to algorithms to predict and prevent adverse drug events, while academia begins to explore ways to teach with ChatGPT while preserving…
I look forward to seeing many of you at the Gaylord Rockies in Aurora, Colorado, in just a few short weeks. Until then, enjoy your summer and thank you for supporting pharmacy…
As a NAM Pharmacy Fellow, Dr. Adam Bress relished the opportunity to expand his research on preventing cardiovascular disease and optimizing medication use.
COPD CARE began with one University of Wisconsin- Madison pharmacy professor’s vision to help veterans. The primary care service is expanding to VA clinics across the country to…
Students at the Auburn University Harrison College of Pharmacy help to develop a novel drug that may become a therapeutic for patients who are at risk for early onset Alzheimer’…
Inmaculada Hernandez, the 2022 National Academy of Medicine Fellow in Pharmacy, shares her thoughts on how to use data to get additional support for pharmacy-provided services…
During the past several months as the new CEO of AACP, I have had the opportunity to meet many of you, and I remain amazed at the level of enthusiasm and passion all our members…
A computer model developed by University of Florida College of Pharmacy researchers will help determine which drug combinations might increase the likelihood of unintended…
More pharmacy schools are considering pass/fail grading systems, hoping to return to the original intention of letter grades: motivation. Shortly after Dr. Gary Pollack arrived…
As the nation’s first Hispanic Center of Excellence in Pharmacy, the Loma Linda University School of Pharmacy is one of several institutions working to diversify recruitment to…
Opioid use and the spread of illicit fentanyl continue to pose a risk to public health. Pharmacy schools are working to educate students and the public about substance use…
Intent on growing the next generation of pharmacists to provide care to rural communities, some schools are focused on creative approaches to building the pipeline. Being a…
Women in pharmacy academia reflected on their experiences in leadership positions during an AACP webinar that explored the challenges and rewards that come with moving to an…
As AACP’s new Executive Vice President and CEO, Lee Vermeulen intends to promote the value of pharmacists while developing more innovative practice models to boost pharmacy…
The University of Minnesota’s Center for Orphan Drug Research wants to illuminate the struggles facing patients with rare diseases. Their unconventional approach? A stage…
A University of Pittsburgh collaboration demonstrates that partnership between pharmacists and audiologists can promote patient hearing health. In October 2021, the U.S. Food…
It is my great pleasure to introduce this issue of Academic Pharmacy Now, my first as CEO of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy. I have spent the past several…
Upholding interprofessional education and practice transformation, pharmacy foundations are bolstering pharmacists working to improve health outcomes. The communal need for…
Research by Midwestern University College of Pharmacy professors explored the pandemic’s effect on students’ emotional intelligence. Many questions linger about the ongoing…
A DEIA Task Force is leading an AACP environmental scan to better understand the challenges, needs and opportunities facing deans as they pursue DEIA efforts. AACP’s strategic…
Palliative care requires an interdisciplinary approach, and pharmacists are partnering with other healthcare providers to offer team-based support and treatment for patients.
In part two of this look back at her career, Lucinda Maine reflects on the progress that’s been made in pharmacy and what lies ahead. As Lucinda Maine prepares to retire after…
The week I started writing this letter, Lee Vermeulen arrived at AACP’s headquarters to begin a time of overlap with me before he assumes the role of AACP Executive Vice…
Lucinda Maine looks back on how she cultivated her passion for pharmacy and highlights from her 40-plus years in the profession. She tells the story of her career as if it…
An AACP Interim meeting panel explored how academic institutions can address workplace trauma. Many leaders and employees are seeing symptoms of workplace trauma in the wake of…
As I muse over the nearly 50 years since I dedicated my professional energy to pharmacy, I am at once struck by the magnitude of the change that has occurred across those years…
The second Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Institute highlighted the ongoing work that pharmacy schools must do to build connections, foster authentic exchanges and be…
The 50 Stories from 50 States Challenge, an initiative from the ACT Pharmacy Collaborative, amplifies the vital patient care services that community pharmacies are providing…
My favorite season of the year is definitely spring. I used to get a bit depressed if on February 2nd the news reported that the groundhog saw his shadow. As I grew wiser (and…
Dr. Marina Suzuki is pushing for pharmacists to take an increasing role to promote safe use of drugs among patient-athletes. As the Olympic Winter Games take place this month in…
The new center at the University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Pharmacy leverages clinical and transdisciplinary expertise in the emerging field of psychedelic-assisted therapy…
AACP’s new Transformation Center will promote and disseminate innovations in pharmacy practice and education to further optimize patient care. Against the backdrop of a pandemic…
A mental health education focus area at the University of Minnesota College of Pharmacy encourages comprehensive patient care. Health experts across the United States are…
As pharmacy deserts proliferate, more must be done to examine barriers to access and prepare future pharmacists to address the needs of underserved communities. The term “…
As I prepared to compose this final opening letter for Academic Pharmacy Now for 2021, the word “transformation” was top of mind. That is no accident, as AACP celebrated the…
University of Connecticut School of Pharmacy students gain practical knowledge in an immersive biotech work program. Laboratory work and clinical rotations provide crucial hands…
The pandemic’s disruptive effect on healthcare delivery exposed a gap that pharmacists can fill in treating patients with substance use disorder. Disruptions in care due to the…
AACP’s Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Anti-racism (DEIA) Committee established an advisory panel of members who are subject matter experts to help the association make good on…
The University at Buffalo School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences launched the first pharmacy school-based M.S. in clinical and translational therapeutics degree program…
The articles in this issue of Academic Pharmacy Now brought smiles to my pandemic-weary face! They also fortified my appreciation that the priorities emphasized in the 2021–2024…
Pharmacy schools and organizations—including AACP—shine the spotlight on well-being for faculty, students and staff. With a growing recognition that wellness is also intertwined…
A new 4-H project book published in partnership with The Ohio State University College of Pharmacy teaches medication safety to elementary students. When it comes to teaching…
The Kennedy Pharmacy Innovation Center pushes students to find gaps in the profession and fill them with radical roles.
The Federally Qualified Urban Health Network provides a model for collaboration that includes pharmacists as part of primary care teams serving low-income populations.
Pharmacy schools continue to engage with their communities to fight the national opioid crisis. t’s no secret that opioids can lead to dependence. Opioid use can increase a…
Patients want transparency about prescription costs and are turning to pharmacists as a trusted source to help them navigate. Prescription drug spending reached almost $370…
As calls increase to correct longstanding inequities in healthcare, pharmacists are exploring ways to improve training and practice to better serve marginalized groups. While…
Aren’t vaccines the most wonderful tool in our toolboxes? While there are still so many uncertainties associated with our individual and collective behaviors in month 16 of the…
A recent AACP webinar explored tools and tips for virtual networking as well as what to expect when in-person interactions resume. Although networking has changed significantly…
As this issue of Academic Pharmacy Now goes live, I am pausing to reflect on the last 14 months of pandemic navigation. What has changed? What hasn’t changed? AACP has been…
With digital health tools improving patient outcomes and changing the way pharmacists deliver care, pharmacy schools are starting to integrate digital health education into the…
The Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Institute pushed teams to take a hard look at their schools as they strive to make their campuses better for everyone. History is not history…
The Sustainable Pharmacy Project at VCU’s School of Pharmacy aims to shine a light on the environmental impact of pharmaceuticals. In the process of improving health and saving…
Pharmacy schools are finding creative ways to advocate for the COVID-19 vaccines and to fight falsehoods circulating online. While millions of vaccines are going into arms…
Once again, the pages of this issue of Academic Pharmacy Now are filled with testimonials to the many ways our members are not just thinking about how their graduates can fill…
Pharmacy schools are finding innovative approaches to interprofessional education, collaborating with other health professions to achieve improved patient outcomes. Enter…
Many pharmacy schools offer rural health concentrations to train student pharmacists to care for underserved populations. In the heart of Appalachia, better, more accessible…
Funding will support research to create an in vitro/in silico model to accelerate generic drug product development designed for oral cavity administration. Dr. Giovanni Pauletti…
Student pharmacists have the empathy and desire to help LGBTQ+ patients. Many schools are examining their curricula to find ways to broaden their scope. LGBTQ+ people face an…
Let me begin with a most sincere expression of appreciation for all you have done over the last nine months in navigating the chaos and concerns associated with the pandemics of…
As AACP moves to further facilitate international relationships, pharmacy schools share the learning opportunities that help advance global pharmacy education. Even before a…
A Manchester University pharmacist elevates community and emergency senior care.
As the coronavirus disrupts long-standing structures, new opportunities emerge to position pharmacists as critical contributors to public health.
As the healthcare landscape shifts during the pandemic, telehealth may experience a surge in pharmacy settings.
Dr. Marie Barnard, recipient of an Academy on Violence and Abuse Scholars Award, advocates for pharmacists to be trained to spot domestic violence and play a bigger role in…
Amidst a national reckoning that the time for change is long overdue, pharmacy schools are taking concrete steps to contend with the role that systemic racism plays in health…
Pharmacy schools are putting action behind commitments to diversity and inclusion to serve and support communities.
In early June, AACP issued a statement reaffirming its commitment to foster an inclusive community, with diversity of thought, background, perspective and experience. Later that…
The year 2020 is one like none other we have experienced. A global pandemic dawned early in the year and brought its full force to the United States in February and March.…
The Jie Du Center for Innovation and Excellence for Drug Development will promote innovation through education, training and mentorship. Pharmaceutical entrepreneur and…
Pharmacy schools can help address the nation’s obesity crisis by incorporating competencies into the curriculum. Despite public health efforts at all levels of government,…
While scientists frequently study and map out future healthcare models for pharmacists and physicians, something is often missing for years: delivering clinical care.
As this issue of Academic Pharmacy Now arrives in your digital inbox, most colleges and schools of pharmacy have celebrated the virtual commencement activities of the Class of…
Community-based pharmacy is evolving from a place of product distribution into a healthcare destination. Many pharmacists who spend time filling prescriptions keep hearing of a…
As data science changes the way drugs are discovered and developed, pharmacy schools are exploring the possible benefits for research and patient care. At the Quantitative…
Dr. Melanie A. Felmlee, an assistant professor of pharmaceutics and medicinal chemistry at University of the Pacific’s Thomas J. Long School of Pharmacy, has received a four-…
University of Kentucky College of Pharmacy festival brings scientific literacy to the community. Science is all around us, from the photosynthesis of our houseplants to our WiFi…
In the midst of a national pandemic, pharmacy schools face extraordinary challenges as they work to make alternate arrangements for rotations, determine how students will…
Pharmacy schools are taking a closer look at addressing mental health and well-being among faculty, staff and students. Well before the recent coronavirus pandemic began,…
As I write this letter, the chaos of the coronavirus pandemic is absorbing virtually all our time and attention. At this point no one knows what the true impact of the virus…
Pharmacy schools are focused on providing accessible healthcare to underserved populations. How do most Americans receive healthcare? The answer used to be fairly…
Vaping and e-cigarettes, widely used as a substitute for traditional tobacco cigarettes, made headlines in 2019 in an outbreak of respiratory illness and lung injury across the…
Talk to academics involved in The National Institute for Pharmaceutical Technology & Education (NIPTE) and they will tell you it’s about striving and thriving in innovation—…
Dr. Debra Goff, an associate professor of pharmacy practice and science at The Ohio State University College of Pharmacy and an infectious disease specialist and clinical…
Schools of pharmacy are moving biomedical technologies from the lab to the market, turning novel discoveries into better health for their communities. The National Institutes of…
INsight 2020 provided attendees a chance to recharge with new connections, strategies and perspectives from Puerto Rico. Why is change necessary? What needs to change within an…
Dear Colleagues: Happy New Year! I have high hopes for the new year as we work together to transform pharmacy practice and education to ensure that the public receives…
Pharmacy school curricula are prioritizing patient safety to prepare future pharmacists for their vital role in keeping patients safe.
A collaborative project involving the University of Wisconsin–Madison School of Pharmacy is focused on redesigning prescription labels to improve patient adherence. By Katie…
Zombies? No problem. A course featuring some apocalyptic challenges prepared student pharmacists to face real-world emergency situations. By Joseph A. Cantlupe There’s the…
Dr. Sylvie Garneau-Tsodikova, newly selected to be part of the AAAS IF/THEN Ambassadors Program, is a medicinal chemist encouraging girls to become STEM Wonder Women. By…
The Department of Defense grant supports a study that may help change the pathology of Parkinson’s disease and inform activities for those in VA systems. Dr. Sheila Fleming,…
Dear Colleagues: Dr. Terri Moore AACP’s newest senior staff member, Dr. Terri Moore, just returned from the meeting of the new Pharmacists Section of the American Public…
Pharmacists can help patients keep their health on track by partnering to manage chronic conditions. By Jane E. Rooney Chances are you know someone who suffers from a…
The grant funding will support research related to Alzheimer’s disease as well as musculoskeletal disorders. By Joseph A. Cantlupe St. Louis College of Pharmacy faculty…
Pharmacy schools are beginning to offer programs to study medical marijuana as its use expands across the country. By Joseph A. Cantlupe Ninety years ago, marijuana was…
Dear Colleagues: AACP President-Elect Todd Sorensen began his address to the first session of the AACP House of Delegates in July with the following lines:  
Pharmacists are well positioned to offer a variety of immunizations and help achieve higher vaccination rates across the country. By Jane E. Rooney The recent measles…
Millennials and Gen Z have grown up with gadgets, surfing a high-speed Web and clicking on constant stimuli. They crave bite-size content and creative storytelling told through…
Student pharmacists offering outreach to patients in the transitions of care stage can provide reassurance and help drastically reduce hospital readmissions. By Joseph A ...
Research by a University of Connecticut School of Pharmacy professor shows promise in thwarting the drug-resistant pathogen. By Elaina Hancock Tuberculosis (TB), an ancient…
Shattering attendance records for a third year in a row, Chicago was the perfect destination for the hallmark event of the year for pharmacy educators to learn, to be inspired…
Shiga toxin research at The University of Texas at Austin College of Pharmacy illustrates the benefits of repurposing existing treatments. By Emily Jacobs Although many…
Dear Colleagues: As the busy spring season transitions to the sometimes less frenetic days of summer, I look forward to seeing so many of you at Pharmacy Education 2019 in…
Lowering the cost of prescription drugs is a perennial priority. Pharmacists are in a position to help patients manage chronic illness and medication use, which can greatly…
An AACP delegation got a peek at how the past and future come together to comprise Cuba’s healthcare infrastructure. By Joseph A. Cantlupe A recent trip to Cuba by a group…
Shane Desselle shares his experiences creating an assessment center at the University of Pristina in Kosovo through the Fulbright Specialist Program. By Athena Ponushis Dr…
A UC San Diego pharmacy professor is working to make birth control more readily available to women at pharmacies nationwide. By Heather Buschman, Ph.D. A woman’s ability to…
An FIP report examines how pharmacists can support women caregivers and encourage appropriate medication use. By Emily Jacobs Many women around the world are caregivers at…
Dear Colleagues: Imagine my surprise when the request came for a phone consultation with Dr. Victor Dzau, president of the National Academy of Medicine (NAM), around this…
Opioid abuse, now a public health crisis in the United States, presents an urgent call to action to the pharmacy community. Pharmacy schools are educating students and patients…
As the federal government recognizes the serious threat that opioids pose to communities nationwide, stakeholders including academia and provider groups are joining efforts to…
Researchers at pharmacy schools are designing tools that allow pharmacists to deliver evidence-based care to patients who use opioids.
Pharmacy schools are spreading the word about naloxone, helping to reduce opioid overdose fatalities.
Students are helping curb diversions and create new habits via safe medication disposal.
A mobile clinic in Ohio and public opioid instruction in Florida are prompting conversations and making a difference in those communities.
Sponsored Content by EHR Go. Pharmacy faculty are using an innovative EHR that gives students more than an education, it gives them practice. With this new applied teaching tool…
Ole Miss Professors Receive Grants to Fight Opioids Dr. David Colby, professor at The University of Mississippi School of Pharmacy, received a grant from the National Institute…
Pharmacists joined voices to change perceptions and brainstorm strategies to transform the practice at INvolve 2019. By Athena Ponushis Academic pharmacists’ perpetual…
Dear Colleagues: I trust your holidays were warm and the new year has gotten off to an excellent start! Virtually all of us endured the bitter cold associated with the Polar…
Student pharmacists are developing business acumen, tapping into their creativity and demonstrating innovative thinking as they hone their entrepreneurial skills. By Jane E…
Auburn Doctoral Student Earns University’s First R36 Grant Tessa Hastings is the first Auburn University student to be awarded a highly competitive research grant from the…
Pharmacists are key to communicating the risk of Achilles tendon rupture from statin use. By Emily Jacobs One adverse drug reaction may be a coincidence. Three or more…
Educators are seeing growing enthusiasm among students in schools embracing emerging technologies significant to the future of pharmacy education. By Joseph A. Cantlupe The…
Museum exhibits improve social pharmacy skills of college students, ignite public knowledge and allow all ages to explore pharmacy up close. By Athena Ponushis Schools of…
Dear Colleagues: American Pharmacists Month is now in the rearview mirror for 2018, but our work to help the American public gain a better understanding of the roles our…
The recently launched Pharmacists For Healthier Lives campaign will promote the message that pharmacists are fully qualified, capable and willing to positively impact patients’…
Past recipients of AACP’s New Investigator Award reflect on the doors that opened thanks to the research grant. By Kirsten F. Block, Ph.D. For more than 30 years, AACP has…
Pharmacy faculty representing many disciplines took on a writing challenge that sparked conversations about the process and helped them inspire each other. By Athena Ponushis…
The University at Buffalo research study could advance the development of personalized medicine for high-risk kidney transplant patients across the spectrum of adult aging. By…
AFPE scholarships help close funding gaps for student pharmacists who want to strengthen their clinical skills and participate in faculty-mentored research By Emily Jacobs…
Dear Colleagues: How is it possible that each AACP Annual Meeting surpasses those that preceded it—both in numbers of attendees and the overall quality of the programming? I…
A student hotspotting program gives future pharmacists and healthcare providers insight into how to care for patients with complex needs and encourages interprofessional ...
A record-setting Pharmacy Education 2018 showcased an Academy focused on building future leaders in healthcare who are dedicated to helping people live healthier, better lives…
The popularity of cosmetic science is growing amongst current and prospective student pharmacists, and the reasons for its attractiveness are more than meets the eye. By…
The university is recognized for its collaborative efforts and work with the community to curb opioid use. Even as health experts and community leaders across the country launch…
A University of Colorado Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences professor received an NIH grant to figure out how milk exosomes can deliver chemotherapy. By…
New tools connect physicians and pharmacists to build stronger collaborative relationships. The American Medical Association wants to help physicians improve patient care.…
Join AACP and your academic pharmacy colleagues on a special delegation to Cuba. Take advantage of this outstanding professional development opportunity to network with AACP…
Annie McKee, Ph.D., has always been passionate about experiences in the workplace. By Maureen Thielemans But early on in her career, and throughout graduate school, she…
A Novel Approach to Pharmacy Instruction By Jane E. Rooney Schools of pharmacy are incorporating the arts and humanities into the curriculum to give students more insight…
An international university collaboration provides University at Buffalo pharmacy students and faculty with opportunities to make an impact in Jamaican healthcare education and…
The healthcare community has reached consensus, but has a conundrum: ‘We need CMM, but how do we do it?’ By Athena Ponushis Patients benefit from comprehensive medication…
UF College of Pharmacy researchers secure $1.5 million grant to study hormonal contraceptive drug interactions. The University of Florida College of Pharmacy received a $1.5…
Planning for the unexpected is a smart strategy for any institution. Last year’s fierce hurricanes put pharmacy schools’ disaster planning to the test and brought these…
Shenandoah’s Bernard J. Dunn School of Pharmacy integrates new method for delivering video instruction.
A series of videos created by practitioners at OSU aim to help autism patients understand what to expect at an appointment, not only improving the healthcare experience for…
No more one-size-fits-all drugs. As genetic screening becomes more affordable and pharmacogenetic research diversifies, pharmacists look to implement the therapeutic benefits…
When it comes to treating teens and adults with persistent asthma, simpler is better, according to an analysis led by University of Connecticut researchers.
Inspiration abounded at this year’s INterim Meeting, as attendees heard from expert speakers on leadership and took home fresh methods of driving progress in their careers and…
The obesity crisis is one of the nation’s biggest health concerns. Pharmacists are on the front lines when it comes to helping patients shed and keep off extra pounds. As…
UCSF School of Pharmacy scientists engineer drug delivery device that treats glaucoma directly inside the eye. Glaucoma, which affects over 60 million people worldwide, can seem…
Programs at Western University of Health Sciences and Duquesne University are showing young students what the pharmacist can do—and powering the pipeline in the process. Member…
A Mercer University professor shares her expertise with key groups to help prevent chemical weapons attacks. In a remote, mountainous region in western Sudan known as Jebel…
Pharmacy schools are taking steps to address cultural competency by preparing future pharmacists to be inclusive and ensure that everyone receives the care they need. By Jane…
What could have been a career-ending car accident for a WNE University student pharmacist is now an opportunity to accomplish even more. By Maureen Thielemans Stay positive…
As an ASAE Diversity Executive Leadership Program (DELP) scholar, Senior Director of Academic Affairs Dr. Cecilia M. Plaza hopes to apply the lessons learned in association…
Telepharmacy programs are educating patients on medicine and educating students on people. By Athena Ponushis Jed Swackhammer shows up to work early. As a student pharmacist…
A new USPHS award builds upon a growing tradition of distinguishing pharmacy’s role in public health. The Public Health Excellence in Interprofessional Education…
AACP and its member schools are reaching out to young adults in innovative ways to promote pharmacy as a career choice. By Jane Rooney, Maureen Thielemans and Kyle R. Bagin…
From opioids to health disparities, the record-setting Pharmacy Education 2017 brought together an Academy ready to tackle the big issues.
A Wayne State University researcher is translating basic science knowledge into clinical application, with the hopes of developing better treatments for patients suffering from…
A new finding from the University of California, San Diego went unnoticed for almost a century. It could have broad implications for vaccine design and treatment of toxic shock…
Support for science shines bright during a rainy day in D.C. By Athena Ponushis Marching for Science on Capitol Hill, Dr. Kirsten Block, saw witty protest signs and snarky…
The electric sights and sounds of Nashville provide the perfect backdrop for Pharmacy Education 2017. With the summer heat comes the hottest educational and networking event…
Pharmacy interventions have a triple aim to improve care, reduce costs, and improve health through better care management. By Jane E. Rooney  A recent American…
When a patient was suffering from the effects of cancer, one pharmacist and UMES faculty member sought relief through medicinal cannabis. Now, she hopes to combat the social…
Research study at the University of Maryland will incorporate a broad range of geographically diverse populations. By Malissa Carroll Dr. Sarah Tom, assistant professor in…
Mercer researcher develops an easy-to-use solution to keep pharmaceuticals out of children’s hands and the water supply. By Kay Torrance More than 200 million prescriptions…
Pharmacy schools conducting cutting-edge research can offer significant contributions to the National Cancer Moonshot, which aims to meet ambitious research goals that will…
Academic pharmacy is engaged in biomedical and cancer research that will produce new tools to prevent and detect disease, better treatments and improved survival rates for…
A University of Minnesota College of Pharmacy program enters ten years of connecting students with experienced pharmacy leaders—and the benefits go both ways. By Maureen ...
At this year’s Interim Meeting, current and future leaders in pharmacy education gathered together to learn from experts in leadership development. They shared innovative…
It’s the can’t-miss event of the year: Pharmacy Education 2017. Join your colleagues for professional development, networking and collaboration—all set to the electric sounds…
Embarking on a journey to shape the future of pharmacy practice globally, leaders look to education to begin the transformation. By Athena Ponushis and Jane Rooney More than…
More universities partner with the IHS to train student pharmacists, and the benefits go both ways. Earlier this year, the Indian Health Service (IHS) announced new ...
Together with the University of Minnesota College of Pharmacy, a local theater company wrote and staged a play based on patient experiences with healthcare and medication from…
Two antibiotics fight bacteria differently than thought. By Sam Hostettler Two widely prescribed antibiotics—chloramphenicol and linezolid—may fight bacteria in a different…