Strategic Plan

strategic plan

In November 2023, the AACP Strategic Planning Committee (SPC) launched strategic planning efforts to develop a plan to guide the Association for the next cycle, years 2024-2026. Using the “continuous strategy process”, our strategic efforts and plans do not have a set “stop date”. This allows us, over a shorter time period and on an ongoing basis, to be more nimble, more responsive, and more proactive regarding the issues and concerns facing the pharmacy academy and profession.

Our strategic planning theme for 2024-2026, “Empowering the Pharmacy Academy and Pharmacists to Impact the Health Care Landscape”, incorporates the goals and objectives we will focus on over the next two years under our four evergreen priority areas, Outreach and Engagement, Education, Practice, and Research/Scholarship, while continuing to build on what we are currently doing. Across the Association, our members at all levels have a role to play in the implementation of strategic action plans and activities to achieve our strategic goals, and prepare a sustainable, impactful pharmacy workforce. Share questions and comments about our strategic plan with Terri Moore, Vice President, Chief Strategy and Diversity Officer at

Read AACP's Strategic Plan