The Missing Ingredient in Preceptor Development: Engagement!

February 20, 2025
3:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m. ET

Hosted by the Experiential Education Section

Ready to cook up a storm in preceptor development? Join our interactive webinar, The Missing Ingredient in Preceptor Development: Engagement!, and discover the secret sauce to engaging preceptors in professional development activities. Faculty from two different institutions will describe their preceptor development programs and discuss how to incorporate principles of adult learning theory to facilitate preceptor engagement. Participants will learn how to utilize the resources they have on hand to develop their unique recipe for success!


  • Compare methods of preceptor engagement between two different colleges of pharmacy.
  • Describe principles of adult learning as they relate to promoting preceptor engagement.
  • List strategies for creating preceptor development programs in resource limited environments.


Kate Cozart, MEd, PharmD, BCPS, BCGP, BCACP
Clinical Pharmacist, PGY1 Residency Program Director, Preceptor
VA Tennessee Valley Healthcare System


Adrienne Matson, PharmD, BCPS
Director of Continuing Professional Development
University of Kentucky College of Pharmacy

Carinda Feild, PharmD, FCCM
Director of Continuing Professional Development
University of Kentucky College of Pharmacy

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