What the Health: Embarking on a Journey of Wellness in Experiential Education

May 01, 2023
1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. ET

Hosted by the Experiential Education Section

The "What the Health: Embarking on a Journey of Wellness in Experiential Education" program aims to promote wellness and well-being through experiential education. The program will focus on discussing initiatives implemented within the Office of Experiential Education to embrace staff wellbeing and retention, identifying resources and strategies to promote student and preceptor wellness, and developing one activity or event to support wellness within experiential education. Participants will learn how to integrate wellness into their daily lives and make a positive impact on physical, mental, and emotional health.


  1. Discuss initiatives implemented within the Office of Experiential Education that embrace staff wellbeing and retention.
  2. Identify resources and strategies to promote student and preceptor wellness within experiential education.
  3. Develop one activity or event that will support wellness within experiential education.


Mara A. Kieser, MS, RPh
Assistant Dean, Professor, and Community Residency Program Director
UW Madison, School of Pharmacy


Misha Thomason Watts, PharmD
Campus Director for Pharmacy Practice Experiences in Southeast Georgia
University of Georgia College of Pharmacy

Melissa Ruble, PharmD, BCPS
Director of Experiential Education
University of South Florida Health Taneja College of Pharmacy

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