Funded Research Grant Institutional Tables

Funded Research Grant Institutional Rankings

The funded research grant institutional tables provide aggregated grant data by institution for NIH, other federal, total federal, non-federal and a sum of all extramural research grants. The data provided in these files are accurate as of the time of AACP's data collection process (November-January) for each fiscal year and reflects information which is submitted to AACP. The first tab of the report provides information on the grant data collection process and methodology.

Guidance on what grants and awards are eligible for inclusion in the FRGD report submitted by colleges and schools of pharmacy is provided on the FRGD Collection page

Current Institutional Tables

Institutional Tables for FY 2022 (October 1, 2021 – September 30, 2022) are now available.* Members must be logged in to access the report.

*Please note the tables were edited on June 27, 2023 to correct an erroneous Carnegie classification for one institution (details provided in tables.) The tables were additionally edited in November, 2023 to correct faculty count numbers and funded research totals for one institution (details provided in tables.)

As of FY 2022: A column has been added to each table identifying each school as either Private or Public in the FY 2022 file. The FY 2022 report also provides the average total funding over the last three years (FY 2020, FY 2021, FY 2022) for each school in each table, in addition to the FY 2022 total funding. 

As of FY 2018: In response to requests from schools, the Carnegie Classification (Basic Classification) for each institution has been added to the rankings file for FY 2018 and later.

Methodology as of FY 2016: In response to feedback from schools, AACP made the following modifications to its previous methodology:

  • Research grants received by students, postdoctoral trainees, and research staff are included in this analysis of extramural funding.
  • The previously listing of total FTE faculty at each school has been replaced by total full-time faculty. This information is collected separately in the annual AACP Roster and Faculty Salary Survey. For more information on the revised methodology, please review the first tab of the institutional rankings report.

Previous Institutional Tables

Please note, these files are only accessible to members who are logged in.

Fiscal Year 2021 Funded Research Grant Institutional Rankings

Fiscal Year 2020 Faculty Research Grant Institutional Rankings

Fiscal Year 2019 Faculty Research Grant Institutional Rankings

Fiscal Year 2018 Faculty Research Grant Institutional Rankings

Fiscal Year 2017 Faculty Research Grant Institutional Rankings

Fiscal Year 2016 Faculty Research Grant Institutional Rankings

Fiscal Year 2015 Faculty Research Grant Institutional Rankings

Fiscal Year 2014 Faculty Research Grant Institutional Rankings

Fiscal Year 2013 Faculty Research Grant Institutional Rankings

Fiscal Year 2012 Faculty Research Grant Institutional Rankings

Fiscal Year 2011 Faculty Research Grant Institutional Rankings