American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education Achieves Record-High Impact Factor

AACP Article

AJPE Sets Record for Second Year in a Row

The American Journal for Pharmaceutical Education (AJPE) reached an all-time high Impact Factor for the second year in a row at 3.3, up from 2.9. The Journal now ranks 13 out of 42 in the Education, Scientific Disciplines category and 139 out of 277 in the Pharmacology & Pharmacy category.

AJPE’s 2022 CiteScore also reached a historic 4.2, up from 2.9. It now ranks 3 out of 35 in the pharmacy category, 301 out of 1,469 in the education category, and 18 out of 79 in the pharmacology, toxicology and pharmaceutics category.

This was the collective effort, not only of the Journal’s dedicated Editorial Team, but the entire AJPE community. The Team is indebted to the many outstanding authors who have submitted their manuscripts, and the many reviewers who worked to assist these authors and the editors in ensuring the highest quality of all our publications.