Applying Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) Principles to Coaching Leaders

November 02, 2021
11:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m. EST

Hosted by the Well-Being and Resiliency Community 

This session aims at applying the elements of well-defined thoughts and feelings that lead to productive actions in the workplace as a way to develop leaders with intentionality at all levels. Often, when colleagues say they are "stressed", for example, they may really be disappointed, angry, frustrated, or anxious. When we are able to define and describe our thoughts and feelings with greater precision, we might better be able to connect them with actions and results that best serve us and our organization. The CBT model will be the central model used in outlining how critical it is for leaders to have a solid understanding of their thoughts and feelings to achieve superior actions and results.


  1. Describe the CBT model.
  2. Apply the concept of the locus of control to the CBT model.
  3. Reflect on their previous approaches in leading that have produced results that either serve or do not serve themselves and/or their organizations.
  4. Discern between various possible thought/feeling/action streams in response to case scenarios.
  5. Commit to one thought/feeling/action item that can be applied in the immediate future. 


Beth Buckley, PharmD, CDCES
Professor of Pharmacy Practice, Concordia University Wisconsin
AACP Well-being and Resiliency Community Leader


David Fuentes, PharmD, MSOL, SHRM-CP, EdD.c.
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Professor
University of Portland School of Nursing

Brooke L. Griffin, PharmD, BCACP
Professor and Vice Chair of Pharmacy Practice
Midwestern University College of Pharmacy, Downers Grove Campus (CPDG)

Professor and Department Chair, Pharmacy Practice
The University of Mississippi