Best Practices for Using Non-Skills Lab Instructors to Evaluate Students

February 21, 2024
Noon–1:00 p.m. ET

Spread the Wealth: Strategies and Best Practices for Using Non-Skills Laboratory Instructors for Feedback and Grading on Student Performance

Hosted by the Assessment SIG and Laboratory Instructors SIG

There is only so much time in one day. Assessing individual student performance can be time consuming, especially when ensuring grading consistency and quality feedback. Presenters will discuss strategies and best practices to utilize non-laboratory instructors (i.e., standardized patients, pharmacy residents, students, non-skills laboratory faculty) to assess student performance and enhance accountability and interrater reliability. Benefits to instructors and students will be presented. 


  • Discuss strategies and best practices to effectively and efficiently use non-laboratory faculty, pharmacy residents, upperclassmen pharmacy students, and standardized patients to assess student performance and enhance accountability and interrater reliability when assessing students.
  • Identify benefits to both instructors and students when utilizing other individuals for student feedback and assessment.
  • Discuss barriers and solutions with utilizing a variety of non-laboratory faculty to assess student performance


Andrea Porter, Pharm.D.
Associate Professor, Director of Pharmacotherapy Skills Laboratories
University of Wisconsin–Madison School of Pharmacy


Heidi Anksorus, Pharm.D., BCPS
Assistant Professor
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Eshelman School of Pharmacy

Courtney L. Bradley, Pharm.D.
Assistant Professor of Clinical Sciences; Director of Teaching and Learning
High Point University, Fred Wilson School of Pharmacy

Karen S. Fiano, Pharm.D., BCACP
Assistant Dean, Accreditation and Assessment; Associate Professor, Department of Pharmacy Practice
Nova Southeastern University College of Pharmacy

Andrea Porter, Pharm.D. 
Associate Professor (CHS)
University of Wisconsin–Madison School of Pharmacy

Kali M. VanLangen, Pharm.D., BCPS
Professor, Pharmacy Practice
Ferris State University College of Pharmacy

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