The Intersectionality of PIF, DEI, and IPE

April 14, 2022
3:00 p.m.–4:00 p.m. ET

Educating Health Care Professionals Through Experiences Embedded in the LGBTQIA+ Community

Hosted by the Council of Faculties Junior Faculty Community

Aligned with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Healthy People 2030 initiative and the AACP Strategic Plan 2021-2024, this webinar will outline the pressing need for risk reduction, and enhancement of timely and equitable healthcare access for LGTBQIA+ individuals, particularly youth. Faculty from colleges of medicine and pharmacy will present approaches for embedding experiential and interprofessional learning experiences centered on LGBTQIA+ service geared towards fostering pharmacists’ professional identity for students and junior faculty in the context of personal identity and diversity influences. 


  1. Identify aspects of embedded educational experiences promoting reflection on LGBTQIA+ disparities to be addressed as part of the Healthy People 2030 Initiative.
  2. Assume responsibility for their unique professional role(s) in promoting positive health outcomes among patient members of the LGBTQIA+ community.
  3. Describe ways in which advocacy for diverse patients can be incorporated into professional identity formation.


Ha Phan, PharmD, CDCES, BCACP
Clinical Assistant Professor
University of Mississippi 


Ashim Malhotra, Pharm.BS, MS, PhD, FAPE*
Assistant Dean of Accreditation and Program Development
University Distinguished Teacher
Associate Professor, College of Pharmacy
Director, University Institute of Teaching and Learning Excellence
Director, University Interprofessional Education Program
*Fellow, American Academy of Pharmacology Educators
California Northstate University

Tracy Yarbrough, MD, PhD, MAEd, FACNM* 
Assistant Dean of Diversity and Inclusion
Associate Professor of Physiology, College of Medicine 
Director, Center for Teaching and Learning
*Fellow, American College of Nuclear Medicine
California Northstate University