Data Collection Activities Tracker

AACP Research

In an effort to better understand the survey activities being conducted using AACP resources (including faculty lists, staff time, or member platforms), AACP has launched a Survey Activities Tracker. The intent is to develop a holistic view of what survey activities are currently being conducted and eventually to assist with streamlining survey activities and increase the value and utility of survey results. Surveys being conducted as part of an AACP affiliation are required to complete the form before initiating data collection (e.g. Standing Committee, Section Task force, etc.)

Survey activities submitted via the form currently are recorded for knowledge management purposes only. Please submit a form for each survey activity.

Indicates required field
Input the name of the survey point of contact for administering this survey.
Select the home institution for the survey point of contact.
If the survey point of contact is not at a college or school of pharmacy, please input any other organization affiliation.
Is the survey being conducted as part of an AACP affiliation (e.g., a committee or task force seated through an AACP member group)?
Who is the intended audience for the survey?
Has the survey activity been reviewed and approved by an IRB?
Have you reviewed the AACP website or contacted an AACP staff member to see if these data are already available?
Please visit the Office of Institutional Research & Effectiveness (OIRIE) page to browse available data.
Please provide a timeline for when you anticipate the data collection administration will take place.
One file only.
100 MB limit.
Allowed types: txt, rtf, pdf, doc, docx, odt, ppt, pptx, odp, xls, xlsx, ods.