Women's Health Curriculum

AACP Resource

Welcome to the Women’s Health Curriculum and toolbox developed through a collaboration between AACP and the FDA's Office of Women's Health. This curricular framework outlines core competencies and performance-based learning objectives for use in either dedicated courses on women's health or in conjunction with other pharmacy courses. While these core objectives and competencies should be introduced by faculty and mastered by all pharmacy students, the curriculum is designed to be flexible in order to keep up with the ever-changing knowledge about women's health issues.

The curriculum contains multiple online resources to enhance discussions on the competencies and objectives. We will continually update and add to this framework and welcome your suggestions for topic areas and resource inclusion, which can be made by contacting Dr. Kelly Ragucci, Vice President of Professional Development. We hope you and your students benefit from this curriculum, and use it and its resources in creative ways. Women are not only patients, but caregivers and healthcare decision makers in our society, and learning about and incorporating into pharmacy practice knowledge about their unique health needs benefits us all.


Learning and Performance Outcomes

Learning Modules

Learning Resources

Assessing Women in General Practice