Using Mixed Methods in Pharmacy Research

September 30, 2022
12:00 p.m.–1:00 p.m. EST

Hosted by the Social and Administrative Sciences

This webinar will explore mixed methods research as it applies to social and administrative pharmacy research. The session will begin by defining what is meant by mixed methods research, and describe scenarios where it may be appropriate to use a mixed methods approach. Then the presenters will discuss example opportunities for using a mixed methods approach, their experiences with mixed methods research, and how to disseminate mixed methods research, before ending with a question-and-answer discussion section where the audience can ask any questions they have to the presenters and further discuss any aspects of mixed methods research. 


  1. Define mixed methods research as it applies to pharmacy research.
  2. Describe scenarios where mixed methods research could be employed in pharmacy research.
  3. Discuss opportunities for mixed methods research in pharmacy research with participants.
  4. Discuss effective ways to disseminate (present and publish) mixed methods research projects. 


Rhys Axon, PhD
Assistant Research Professor
University of Arizona


Alina Cernasev, PhD
Assistant Professor
University of Tennessee