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Planning for the unexpected is a smart strategy for any institution. Last year’s fierce hurricanes put pharmacy schools’ disaster planning to the test and brought these resilient communities together to support each other.
Shenandoah’s Bernard J. Dunn School of Pharmacy integrates new method for delivering video instruction.
A series of videos created by practitioners at OSU aim to help autism patients understand what to expect at an appointment, not only improving the healthcare experience for Ohioans but for patients across the country.

No more one-size-fits-all drugs. As genetic screening becomes more affordable and pharmacogenetic research diversifies, pharmacists look to implement the therapeutic ...

When it comes to treating teens and adults with persistent asthma, simpler is better, according to an analysis led by University of Connecticut researchers.

Inspiration abounded at this year’s INterim Meeting, as attendees heard from expert speakers on leadership and took home fresh methods ...

Lucinda L. Maine, Ph.D., R.Ph., AACP executive vice president and CEO, will receive APhA's Gloria Niemeyer Francke Leadership Mentor Award, recognizing her exemplary service as a role model and mentor, promoting and encouraging pharmacists to attain leadership positions.
The obesity crisis is one of the nation’s biggest health concerns. Pharmacists are on the front lines when it comes to helping patients shed and keep off extra pounds. As obesity becomes more prevalent among the U.S. population—more than a third of adults and one in five children are now considered to be obese—the effects on society are harder to ignore.
Programs at Western University of Health Sciences and Duquesne University are showing young students what the pharmacist can do—and powering the pipeline in the process. Member schools are continuing to amp up efforts to recruit young adults to pursue pharmacy as a career and strengthen the pharmacy pipeline. Dr. Mario Jimenez knows such efforts work.
A Mercer University professor shares her expertise with key groups to help prevent chemical weapons attacks. In a remote, mountainous region in western Sudan known as Jebel Marra in 2016, the rocket attacks came often and without warning. Homes were decimated. People and livestock were killed. Others, especially children, suffered horrible burns to their body.
UCSF School of Pharmacy scientists engineer drug delivery device that treats glaucoma directly inside the eye. Glaucoma, which affects over 60 million people worldwide, can seem easy to treat: medicated eye drops can be used to ease the buildup of fluid in the eye that underlies the condition. If glaucoma is caught early, eye drops can prevent irreversible blindness.
In response to the President’s focus on combatting the opioid crisis, a coalition of major pharmacy organizations is calling on the Administration to meet with them to discuss specific recommendations and implementation plans to address this public health emergency.